Our Turf Grass Sod Products
We Offer a Variety of High Quality Turf Grass Seed, as Well as Starter and Maintenance Fertilizers!
Call the office directly for more information and to place your order at 208- 888-3760

Turf-type perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrasses are compatible, so the two are often combined in cool-season seed mixtures. The turf-type perennial ryegrass provides rapid germination, deep green color, disease and insect resistance, and wear tolerance. The Kentucky bluegrass provides the spreading rhizome system to repair damage. Together the two form a high-quality turf that is ideal for use on sports fields and other high-traffic areas, such as playgrounds and home lawns.
- Spreads and quickly repairs damaged areas
- Tolerates moderately low mowing
- Recovers quickly
- Better Disease, drought and wear tolerance
In properly fertilized and maintained turf
- Excellent wear tolerance
- High rating for disease and insect resistance
- Exceptional traffic tolerance (Kids, cats and dogs)
- Relatively good shade tolerance
- Self-repairing and prevents soil erosion
- Great color, fine texture, excellent density. This accounts for a good level of suppression when weeds attempt to grow
By combining Ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass, one grass or the other may dominate. Making this combination into a beautiful lawn.

The ENDURATURF® mixture of Dwarf Turf Type Tall Fescue grasses were developed from selections of forage and pasture grasses that exhibit durability and strength. Plant breeders substantially modified this turf grass through hybridization and other techniques to produce a very desirable ornamental turf grass. These grasses exhibit excellent traffic tolerance and deep root systems down to six feet.
ENDURATURF®will extract water and soil nutrients from deep into the soil profile. Research at Kentucky State University proves that Turf Type Tall Fescues such as ENDURATURF® can provide equal turf grass quality on 35-40% less water during an entire irrigation season. Other evidence supports that drought tolerance of Turf Type Tall Fescue is very strong due to the deep root system. A dark genetic green color has been developed into this rugged grass species. Certain varieties selected for the ENDURATURF® mixture exhibit early spring green-up and good late fall color as well as shade tolerance.
ENDURATURF® has a high tolerance for the abusive conditions of the summer heat and intense sunlight in the intermountain west. It does not enter into a semi dormant condition and loose color in July and August as Kentucky bluegrass does. This species was selected by plant breeders due to its disease and insect resistance, the rugged, durable characteristics and survivability under severe conditions of heat, drought, poor soils, salt and shade. Maintenance costs for ENDURATURF® are lower than Kentucky bluegrass by 30-40%, again due to lower fertilizer requirements of the plant and its natural abilities to ward off disease and insects. See the Endophyte brochure or www.turfcompany.com
Most recently, plant breeders have been able to refine the leaf texture of the turf type tall fescues and other species selected for the ENDURATURF® mixture until they equal that of other long accepted ornamental turf grasses. Since the first turf type tall fescue entered the marketplace, some 30 years ago, the number of varieties available has increased to approximately 200 with many more being tested. Another recent development has been a slower rate of growth during cool weather, which requires mowing less frequently than comparative turf grasses.
You will continue to hear more about these unique species of turf grass in trade journals, from people who are encouraging conservative water use and from those who recognize the common-sense values of these plant characteristics in the landscape.
In Summary ENDURATURF® is:
- Water Conserving
- Disease and Insect Resistant
- Deep Root System (4-6Ft.)
- Shade Tolerant
- Great Summer Color in High Heat
- Dwarf (Slow Growing in
- Traffic Tolerant
- Adaptable to Low Quality Soils Cool Months)
- Drought Tolerant
- Medium leaf Width (Comparable
- Dark Genetic Green Color
- Dense and Thick to Bluegrass)
- Non Invasive

Perennial Ryegrass lawns are one of the best lower maintenance lawns
This is one of the toughest and most traffic tolerant turf covers that can be grown. Ryegrass is noted for quick germination, shiny green color, fine texture (newer turf type varieties) and dense forming sod. High disease and insect resistance help to make perennial ryegrass one of the leading choices for lawn and athletic covers.
Rye grass is non-aggressive, vigorous grower, it quickly forms an erosion barrier for stability and beautiful color due to its rapid germination and establishment.
Rye grass is well adapted to short/close mowing. When mowed at two inches or less it presents itself in its best form. The short mowing brings out the golf course look in your yard. Short mowing is highly advised in the late Fall prior to winter dormancy. With less top growth the grass will emerge from dormancy quickly. If left long through the winter the thick dead top growth can impede and smother the new emerging spring growth.
Ryegrass is preferred by homeowners because it produces a dark green turf which rapidly develops a strong root system, responds quickly to fertilization, never needs pampering and is not subject to disease problems which plague most Kentucky bluegrasses..
Ryegrass performs in a wide variety of soil types and will do well in clay or compacted areas which are not subject to heavy use.
- Exceptional wear tolerance
- Early spring green up, extended fall color duration
- High rating for disease and insect resistance
- The highest rating for traffic tolerance
- Good shade tolerance
- Self-Repairing and prevents soil erosion
- Great Color, fine texture and great density. Very soft under feet
- Recovers quickly when and if damaged
- Better Disease, drought and wear tolerance

Introducing the first and totally unique ornamental turf grass that will be included on the Xeric plant list.
XERILAWN® is unique from all other ornamental Turfgrass primarily due to combination of low water use, heat tolerance, traffic tolerance, and shade tolerance, adaptability to poor quality soils, deep rooting depth, and self-repairing ability.
Our proprietary mixture of Turfgrass species represents the most advanced Turfgrass genetics available from research and testing. This combination of genetics represents every favorable characteristic that can be combined to enable the owner and/or groundskeeper to have their ideal grass and water less as well. All of the considerations used in producing the XERILAWN® have been researched under high quality-controlled conditions and reporting standards by several Turfgrass researchers.
XERILAWN® is very adaptable to perform well on high pH and a severely disturbed low-quality soil which is typical of many construction sites. XERILAWN® exhibits excellent traffic tolerance and deep root systems down to six feet. The seasonal water requirements for XERILAWN® are in the range of fourteen to eighteen inches of water.
XERILAWN® has a high tolerance for abusive conditions of the summer heat and intense sunlight in the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain areas. The species were selected by plant breeders due to their disease and insect resistance, the rugged, durable characteristics and survivability under sever conditions of heat, drought, poor soils, salt and shade.
- Water Efficient
- Disease and Insect Resistant
- Shade Tolerant
- Great Summer Color
- Traffic Tolerant
- Adaptable to Low Quality Soils
- Drought Tolerant
- Deep Rooting System
- Excellent Density
- 34% Native
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